->CLICK<- for further informations on this event that celebrates its birth tonight. All the HOUSE- and UNDERGROUND-MUSIC LOVERS out there shouldn't miss this very promising and special new event that tries to merge the sound of classic house with the sound of classy and independent krautrock together with a wider range of postpunk. In fact, this not only sounds interesting, this IS the realization of a great concept that just pleases your demands.
So, go for a night-out and show your support to NOMAD presenting you by FRANZ B. WERNER (one of the founders of the very-well-known, infamous and buried MONOMUSIK event) - it's going to be worth it.
DJ's: PATRICK SPECKE (Desolat, Hello?Repeat!), FRANZ B. WERNER (TERPSITON/Monomusik) and last but not least JONATHAN PHOENIX (London, UK) for the krautrock and postpunk-section.
Wer ein Event plant, weiß, wie wichtig Details sind. Genauso ist es bei akademischen Arbeiten. Ein bachelorarbeit schreiben lassen preise kann helfen, hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen, während man die Kosten im Blick behält.